This mishmash of housing styles all on the same street. You've got your Art Deco and your...well, the other ones. |
These guys that are really tired of holding this place up. Seem to have a bit of a rash on their chests - probably eczema if WebMD is anything to go by. Unsure if it's related to the strain of holding the place up... |
This incredibly amazing photo taken by a very talented person. That I like to call...me. |
Well this is clearly where my parents went wrong. No wonder this blog isn't successful. |
And just around the corner from the Catholic education...a different kind of education. And they deliver. So... |
Apparently he does not deliver but his weed cards are $25 and he is dressed like a marijuana leaf. You might have to step up your game, Catholic Education.... |
I'm uncertain about Easter advertising protocol but I don't think Easter eggs go with kegs. I could be wrong. |
Can't imagine why anyone would put this couch out on the street - the fabric is lovely. You can make that work in any room. |
And look a contrasting two-seater! |
I would like a Covertible. And a Pass Van. And then I would like to know what they are. |
Just a little something I spray-painted while out on my walk*. |
Wandered through the Hollywood Farmer's Market - they don't like you taking pictures so I pretended to take a selfie. In hindsight, my selfie looked better. |
A fine picture of the stalls with a bunch of annoying people in the way. |
Arty shot of El Capitan box office. Santa stuck in the eaves and in terrible pain... |
Grauman's Chinese Theater...and all the people in the world. Don't go over there. |
The joy that is Hollywood and why I walk. And never go there. |
More Hollywood class - who wouldn't go to a bar called the Rusty Mullet with kids on the roof. That kid looks petrified and has backed into the corner. Someone get the baby off the roof!!! |
Spidey takes a quick break. Spidey not as limber as he used to be. And quite grey... |
Hollywood stars - I make a habit of not stepping on the stars as I think it's rude. I am the only person who thinks this and it makes me look like I'm playing hop scotch. Luckily it's Hollywood and I look completely normal. |
Had myself a dramatic moment outside of here. Did a farewell WWII scene. Did not get noticed. |
I don't know what this is. I just know it doesn't work anymore. |
Jim Henson Studio - that is the happiest place on earth. Except for the fact that he's dead. But Kermit is still alive. |
Better keep my walking speed down |
Oh oh - 42 in a 35 mile zone. My legs are going lickety split |
No big deal, just a cow eating a flamingo. Happens all the time here. |
We've fallen and we can't get up... |
Game anyone? Just FYI - Scrabble is my sport. You will not take me in this. |
Looks like a good night out. |
Get your animal skins here! |
Just drive through and pick up your cancer. No need to be inconvenienced |
Trees. Or spaghetti. Well, it was an Italian restaurant. |
Urban tree. It'll make it, plenty of life left in that. |
Official Hollywood sign which is very unHollywood looking. Just a suggestion but I think glitter might be the key here. And a BeDazzler... |
Unofficial Hollywood sign. Probably didn't make the cut. Because of being backwards and all. And no glitter... |
Top right - you missed a bit. |
Turtles kissing. Very similar to turtles fighting as the little one barely escaped with his life moments after this touching moment was taken. |
Hi, hi...just going to climb up over you. No, don't move, I got this. Update: Did not got this and fell back in the water where it swam off in mortified silence. |
Newly dating. As usual the man is uncomfortable with a little too much PDA from his turtle. |
Unrelated to anything but a pretty good picture of Jax from SOA. |
My neighborhood is well-protected. |
And I'm pretty sure this is what they mean by security. Animal Defense Technology. Level: Lion |
Safety (and Albert) first. |
And to finish up this walking series, a delightful video of turtles. Unaccompanied by music because I don't know how.
*Well it was already done when I got there, but that's what I was going to do...