Friday, March 20, 2015

Last Person On Earth

Some of you may have seen the new show "Last Man On Earth"? Basically after a disease wipes out all humans (and apparently animals since I haven't seen any on the show), only one man is left.  It's a pretty interesting concept and started me thinking about all the things I would do and then all the limitations I would face due to the fact that while I am a master survivalist in a Zombie Apocalypse, I have no clue what to do without water and electricity.  I would:
  1. Eat all the sugar* in the world because it wouldn't matter what I looked like nor would there be any doctors to treat me of all my terrible sugary ailments
  2. Go to all the department stores and shop up a storm.  Ball gowns, cocktail dresses, designer shoes, you name it - I'm getting it and loading it in one of my fleet of fancy cars.  On second thoughts, better move this to the top of the list, after I make a sugar baby in my belly, I'm not going be able to fit anything.
  3. Find the most ridiculously amazing house in Los Angeles and move in.  Since there won't be a pool boy, I'm going to need to maximize my pool usage because pretty soon, it won't be pretty and moving houses is not going to solve the problem.
  4. Never vacuum, dust or mop again.
  5. Never do laundry again
  6. Visit all the famous attractions in America - no more standing in lines for me.  Disneyland might be a bit tame if I can't turn the rides on...
  7. Probably walk around naked to see what it's like.
  8. Wander in and out of people's houses, "borrowing" stuff I like.
  9. Stockpile food - possibly should have thought of this first.  Maybe even start a veggie garden.  Yes, I think we all know it's going to die. I am where plants go to die.
  10. Drive all over the roads in any direction I feel like.  Sort of how Californian's drive now.
And then there are the issues:
  1. Pretty sure I will need a generator since no one will be maintaining the electrical plants.  Pretty sure I don't know what a generator looks like.  
  2. Pretty sure I will need to stockpile water and not just for drinking - flushing the toilet is going to be a thing of the past since no one is manning the sanitation or water plants either.  I will build some sort of rain catching device, most likely called a bucket.  If things get really bad with the LA drought, I may have to move to Seattle or Portland for the Winter.
  3. There will be no vacations unless I learn how to fly or man a cruise ship.  Only road trips.  
  4. I am going to have to join a library.  And hope that there are books on how to make electricity, sanitize water, fly a plane, steer a boat and treat myself for diabetes.
  5. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter are going to be boring.  I'll have to create a bunch of different profiles to keep myself amused.  On second thoughts, would the internet disappear?  Back to the library...
 *In case anyone is tracking, today I celebrate 66 days sugar-free which was my goal based on a report that said it takes 66 days to break a habit. For the record, Science is wrong. I think it's going to take 666 years for this to take root...if you want to congratulate me, feel free to send a gift basket of sugary treats.

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