Monday, March 30, 2015

What I Saw On My Walk Yesterday...

This parking meter's birthday
Spring.  Just kidding.  It's LA, Spring arrived in January...
This dog.  That is not real.  Uncertain as to whether he used to be real and was stuffed or soft toys have just come a long way since I was a kid...
This innovative chair.  Slight design flaw given America's obesity levels. 
These palm trees having a fiesta in the park.
On closer inspection, these palm trees appear to be wearing sweaters.  Probably to keep them warm in the cold SoCal sunshine and high temperatures...
That's right...I took my middle income Sunday outfit for a walk over to Beverley Hills to see how the other half was living today.  They seemed fine.  Probably because they have a lot of money.
This parking job.  Rich people just pull in and get out.  Lines aren't for rich people. 
This floating stone sculpture.  Rich people stones just hang in the air.  Poor people stones don't.  Feel this is a very important metaphor for something.  If I wasn't so shallow, I might know what it was. 
I know you're rich, lady, but cover yourself up.  This is a puritanical country and you can't just do what you want.  Spring Break is over - no more Girls Gone Wild.
Location: Beverley Hills
Difficulty Level: Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous
Things I learned: I am not rich and famous.  I know - came as a shock to me too.

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