Friday, January 16, 2015

Change Is Afoot

In case neither of my fans noticed, I didn't post yesterday. This was due to a couple of reasons:
  1. I am lazy
  2. I was in training learning how to give effective feedback. For the record, you cannot punch someone if they do something stupid and you cannot expect to get good results out of someone by bringing them in and carefully explaining that they are stupid. I know, was an eye opener for me too.
  3. I have a new plan.
I'm thinking of just writing three days a week, how do you both feel about that? Probably Monday, Wednesday and Friday but maybe not. I need to carefully analyze my analytics to find out when most people read my stuff. And then only post then. Probably time to get out the chart skills again.

The reason I'm doing this apart from number 1 above is that I'm thinking of writing an e-book. And the only reason I am putting this out there is because of number 1 above - now that I've said it and you all know it, I have to do it. So instead of the 10 minutes every evening that I carefully set aside to bang something out for the blog, I'll devote all of that to the book. Should be done in no time.

Don't worry, I won't be overly straining myself, just going to take everything I've written over the last year and a bit and do some clever copy pasting. If it doesn't work, then I'll just give up immediately*. If it does work, I suspect, I will be very rich. Or at least as rich as this blog has already made me. $39.33

*This is my new motto. It's very liberating and allows you to move on to other things quite quickly.

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