Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Interesting Hair Decisions I Have Made...

To be fair one of these was made by my mother without my permission so I just had to do the best I could.
  • The classic bowl cut. A special silver kitchen mixing bowl was used for this little number. Side note:  Same bowl that was placed by your bed when you were sick and in danger of vomiting. Multi-purpose bowl.  Used for everything but mixing.
So this is a good look for me, no? Nice ear tufts and slightly sketchy fringe. Thinking of going back to this.  Pretty sure I can pull it off...
  • Braids. Who here hasn't done this? First of all, I owe my mother an apology. I lied about how much they cost. They were ridiculously expensive so it seemed a good idea to use my student loan money. Not mine. Also, it was incredibly painful having fake hair added into mine and braided tightly to my scalp. For two days, I sat there in a dodgy shifty back room of a shop in Auckland watching Bob Marley music videos and sucking back the aspirin. Seemed a little awkward half way through to tell her I changed my mind - not nearly as awkward as when I went out to get lunch and got all the excess hair trapped in the door of an ATM alcove that closed a little too quickly for someone not used to dealing with waist-length half-braided hair.  Not to worry, I did a half back bend and managed to swipe my ATM card to open the door and free myself. Hardly anyone laughed. Only the whole street.  Note: If you're in a bind, those are not the people you want on your team*
    Add a black head band once it starts to grow out. You will think it looks good.  You never were a very good judge of what looks good. 
    Take your hair camping in a casual half-up, half-down style.  Don't feel you need to bring all of it back with you - birds in the wild can use it for nesting.

    Add sunglasses and a sassy pose.  It won't help.
  • You know the best place to hide the hair you just cut off your brother's head?  Not behind your parent's bedroom door.  Won't make that mistake again.  Probably won't get the chance since he's a little gun-shy now...
  • Barbie.  We all cut Barbie's hair off, right?  Actually had a pretty good go at Ken's as well.  Unlike Barbie, he does not have the face to pull off the shorter look...
Well I think she looks nice.  Bit more modern with the side-laying-down-mohawk in front.  And look at the smile on her face - she loves the light breeziness of it!
  • Anything I did doesn't even compare to what my mother did as a child when she cut all the neighborhood kids hair.  Her mother dragged her around to apologize to everyone.  Pretty sure it was a "sorry not sorry" apology.  Smart really, she was now the best looking kid on the street, the only one not half bald...
*Side note 1 on braids.  After a while once your hair begins to grow out a bit, they tend to fall off.  It's pretty hard to deny it when someone presents you with a a long blond braid in the pub "This fell off your head."  After vigorous denials that weren't fooling anyone, I stuffed it in back pocket to add to my collection at home. Side note 2 on braids - it sounds like a great idea to have an unbraiding party and invite all your friends over to help you take them out.  Possibly if I'd offered refreshments, I might have avoided the awkward situation with my friend who got bored and just started cutting them off when I wasn't looking...

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