Wednesday, February 4, 2015

So How's The Book, Special K?

Thanks for asking. It's going really well. So far, I have made the following progress:
  1. Coffee
Surprisingly it doesn't just write itself like everyone said. I printed out a bunch of posts, put them on the coffee table with some paper and a pen, went off to do laundry and when I came back - no book. 

I thought I'd bang it out in a weekend but I forgot that I am lazy. But it's ok because now I have a plan:
  1. Write book.
Reminds me of the time when I decided to be a writer of children's books.  I was 7 so felt like I could relate.  In line with how I write this blog, (except for the paper part since I have moved with the times), I sat down with some Xerox paper* and knocked out a quick short story.  No re-reading, no editing and very little thinking. Probably comes across in my writing...

My story was about monsters who could squirt gel toothpaste out of the cyclops eye in the middle of their forehead.  Think that might have been the beginning, middle and end.  Not a lot of plot, dialogue or characters - I really took "short" story to heart.  Blue gel toothpaste had just come out and was obviously the big news in my life at the time and they do say write about what you know...judging by the look on Mum's face when she read it, it wasn't winning any awards.

Pretty sure this new book that I haven't written is going to change all that. Have already written myself some great reviews...

*Paper that Dad "borrowed" from the office.  Have not seen Xerox paper in years...

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