Monday, April 28, 2014

Welcome Home To Me

I'm back. Did anyone notice I was missing for a week? Even though I got back last Friday night, I'm still on East Coast time. I'm going to be using that a lot for the next month in order to get out of doing things.

I've included a photo below of all the fun things I did while I was away for work.

I hope the fancy frame doesn't detract from the content of the photo.
Despite all the fun that I had, I'm very happy to be home. Albert is also very happy that I'm home. He hasn't let me out of his sight since. It's starting to get a little awkward. I'm now trying to avoid my cat but without him knowing as I don't want his feelings hurt. This morning, I caught myself slinking into the kitchen when he went past and holding my breath so he wouldn't hear me. But as long as I keep on his left side I should be fine. The bonus of a cat with one eye. And people say I'm negative...look at me making a positive out of a negative.

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