Friday, April 4, 2014

Random Car Thoughts

Things I don't ever want to say: Got a new car. Broke it.

I love it when someone tells me not to wash my car because rain is expected the next day.  I'm sorry, wash my what?

Do you ever see a car attached to a motor home being towed along the freeway and wish you could ride inside?  Me either.  But if I did, I would think it would be a good idea.  Until I remembered that it could come adrift.  But I would have the keys.  But they would be in my pocket.  And then it would be too late and I would be sailing past the motor home with a not very positive outcome.  Actually not a good idea*.

Sometimes I have races with the car in the next lane and they don't know.  They lose every time.  Except when they don't.

What's the correct term now?  Used to be "roll your window down" but those don't exist on most cars now.   Should we say "button your window down"? Seems like a much longer explanation is now required "push the button so your window will go down".**

There is very little difference between the sound a lawnmower makes and the sound my car makes.  I get a lot of looks.  I think people expect to see a boy racer in a lowered Honda hatchback with tinted windows and racing stripes.  I just try and look dignified as I roll past*** and pretend the noise is coming from the Jag in front.
*See what happens when you think things through? You stay alive.
**The first person that comes back with "put the window down" is unfriended from my life. You're missing the point.

***I was going to say "...roll past with the sound of a sonic boom" but I looked it up and sonic boom occurs when you move faster than the speed of sound.  I'm not allowed to go that fast.  I tried.  Surprise Factor - Level: Ticket.

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