Friday, March 27, 2015

Well...For Goodness Sake

I didn't write anything last night because for the last two weeks, my page views have gone down from the 100's to almost nothing and I got the pip. Yes, this is me being vindictive. So then I get to work and find that 40 people have viewed me before 8am. I mean I know I had to get up at 5am for stupid boot camp but what's your excuse, person from Guadeloupe? And where is that?

So now I'm feeling guilty and have to scramble to write something. Does everyone agree that the paragraph above is sufficient? Good, then let's move on.  A little more consistency, please people.  And donations.  Which almost sounds like donuts.  Which I will also take.

On another note, I had an interesting phone conversation with someone at work that I've never spoken to before.  We had a phone meeting scheduled and as soon as I started to talk, I could tell that my accent had thrown them for a loop.  Or it's possible they weren't understanding what I was saying about technology.  I mean I Googled it but I was bit shaky on the details and legitimacy of my points.  Pressed on anyway, say anything with conviction and a foreign accent and people will buy it.

Them: Are you from Australia?
Me: No, the other one
Them: Oh, South Africa.
Me: No, the other other one.
Them: Ahh, got it.  England.
Me: No, the other other other one that is apparently a big secret and yet to be discovered.
Them: You don't sound Irish to me, is it Wales?
Me: Yes.  Sigh...

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