Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Things I Am Guilty Of...

  1. Feeling the need to push the pedestrian crossing button more than once. In case it didn't quite understand what I wanted....
  2. Not making my bed every day. Actually I make it only when I change the sheets. Don't tell my mother...
  3. When I use "Spray 'n Wipe" in the shower, I usually just spray and hope for the best.
  4. Remembering to water my plants. They're so needy.
  5. Not answering the phone. If I don't want to talk, I won't pick up. This is very different to my mother's generation - right in the middle of our skype call, the phone will ring and she will put me on hold to go answer it. And it will be her best friend who she saw an hour ago for coffee. And here I am, billions* of miles away...on hold.
  6. Stopping at Stop signs. I'm more of a pauser...
  7. Putting the new toilet roll in the holder. Why bother, it'll be finished soon. I do it when guests come as not to seem lazy 
  8. Shopping. But only for essentials like ball gowns.
  9. Forgetting that I'm watching a recorded show and swearing at the ads for taking too long...
  10. Buying jeans that look exactly like all the other ones I own.  I know I'm not the only one...
  11. Pretending to myself that I went to the dentist.  Sometimes I get caught and have to pretend go again.
  12. Wearing stripes with plaid.**
  13. Licking the tops of cupcakes.  Then putting them back.
  14. Coveting thy neighbor's cake.
  15. Mixing my drinks.  I never learn...
**Horizontal stripes no less.  I think this is known as the 8th deadly sin.

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