Monday, August 25, 2014

Happy Anniversary To Me!

I made it - one year of blogging, five days a week with the exception of Public Holidays and Public Special K Days where I might have been too lazy to write anything. And now for the award ceremony*:
  1. Most Regular Likers/Commenters of Blog on Facebook - Schmeorge Schadams, Schbecca Schmost Schatham and James Steve
  2. Honorable Mentions go to Schmickie Schmewis, Schmea Schmang and Schmeveryone Schelse that I forgot
  3. Dishonorable Award for People That Have Not Contributed or Liked Blog Posts - you know who you are. 
  4. Biggest Donator - this has been deferred to next years' ceremony due to lack of donations.
Despite the huge empire I have created, I may or may not keep doing this. I mean let's face it, the money that rolls in is nice but I've almost spent the $2.34 so it might be time to expand my slum lord blogging into other areas. So, maybe I'll write something tomorrow or maybe I won't. 

*All names have been changed to protect the identity of those that I have named. And now have to go into Blogging Witness Protection (BWP)

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