Monday, September 15, 2014

Awkward Snot.

Have you ever had a professional meeting with someone who is sniffling a bit, playing around with their nose? They give a quick swipe with their hand and end up with a large piece of snot now streaked across their upper lip and partially stuck in their mustache*?

I had one of those meetings last Tuesday. I was in fear that (a) he wouldn't notice and it would just sit there for the duration of the meeting and/or (b) he would realize and try and surreptiously remove it knowing that we both knew and both pretending that everything was cool.

My worst case scenario - both of these things happened. So now I have no idea what was said in the first half of the meeting as I was so focused on not looking at the booger or accidentally referring to it in a sentence "It's s'not that we don't want to do the's just that you're not seeing the booger picture..."

Then he gave it another wipe and it dawned on him as I tried to pretend I hadn't noticed and was looking at my computer screen. The downside of that is I'm not sure where he put it so I spent the remainder of the meeting, trying to see if it was somewhere on the chair, in his hand or possibly packed away in his briefcase to eat or dispose of later.

It wasn't a very effective meeting, I hope I didn't agree to anything.

*Not a full-blown mustache, one of those trendy stubbly/shadowy looks. For the record, they are equally as effective at capturing snot.

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