Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Going on Vacation...Wish You Were Coming.

I don't really. I had grand plans about writing a bunch of posts while I was on vacation so that you would all think I was the hardest worker out there but I am too lazy to do that. So you might get something now and then but probably not so I wouldn't hold your breath. You will likely die.

This would be the perfect time to have a bunch of ghostwriters or guest posters so if anyone feels like doing that, let me know. I need it to keep my readership and the money rolling in*.

I was also planning on giving you a hint to a big surprise I am planning for this blog but then I remembered that I am too lazy to do that as well so luckily I didn't build that up too much. It's important to set the bar low as it adds immeasurably to the element of surprise when something does actually happen. Which is not applicable here.

So, keep reading, even if it is blank pages - Albert needs a new collar**

*Anything more than what I am currently getting will be a bonus. What's an increase of 100% on 0? That might actually be too much math at this stage. If I carry the 1 and add 12, then I get...wait where did the 1 come from? Let's just round it down to 0 and call it good.
**Well "a" collar since we have been too poor to buy him one and I didn't want to take it out of my shoe allowance.

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