Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Awkward Moment #342

I know you're all wondering how the move is going - thanks for asking. I'm getting there. Cat won't come out from under the bed and nothing is the bathroom is put away. I'm beginning to see now why I don't need about 20 different body lotions*.

Yesterday the cable guy came, which is good because after a day without TV, I was beginning to get anxious. I'm still catching up on everything I recorded while I was in Hawaii so there's a whole weekend on the couch right there.

I was given a window of 9-11am for the technician's arrival. Two hour window and he missed it. Which I understand, delays happen but would have been nice if he'd called. Then I would have known in advance that I wasn't going to be watching Judge Judy and mentally prepared for it.

Eventually he arrives and does a lot of complicated things outside with cables and ladders that seem to result in lots of little bits of cables for me to pick up. Finally he finishes and asks to use my bathroom. Which is fine. Except for the fact that I mentioned above, nothing is put away in there and you can't actually close the door because the new cabinet I made sticks out a bit. Measuring is a form of math and I think we've established that it's my second best skill. I forgot about the skirting board**. Anyway, I had also forgotten that it sticks out since there's no need for me to shut the bathroom door - Albert has his litter box in there and we have no secrets or privacy issues. Actually I have some but he doesn't respect them so I've given up. However, as soon as the cable guy started peeing with the DOOR OPEN, I remembered the issue. He could have shuffled things down a little but I guess he didn't want to touch my stuff or maybe he felt we already had a bond and he was comfortable around me. I hightailed it to the kitchen to turn on the tap and make imaginery phone conversation so as to dispel the awkwardness when he came out, It did not. And turns out he's my assigned go-to guy if I have issues. Obviously I will never be going to him - if anything stops working, I'll just read a book.

*I'll just keep them though. Just in case. LA is a very dry place, I might have a case of extreme lack of moisture in my skin.
**I actually have a thing against skirting boards. As far as I can tell they cause you to make mistakes in measuring and require a lot of cleaning. Contractors - give me a valid reason for skirting boards, please?

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