Thursday, February 6, 2014

Things I Might Do For A Year...But Probably Not...

I was talking to my trainer yesterday and he mentioned that the way to make money is to do something for a year and write a book about it. So, I am going to do something for a year, write a book about it, you will all buy it (and the rest of the world), I will make a lot of money and then do nothing for many years. Just have to figure out what to do, have come up with the following options so feel free to weigh in on them. Whatever gets the most feedback, is the winner and I’ll start my year of whatever it is. Soon. Ish*.
  1. Get married for a year**
  2. Have a baby for a year***
  3. Not eat cake for a year****
  4. Live on a farm for a year. Let’s be clear, I’m just going to live there, I’m not going to brand cows, milk cows, fix fences, dock sheep, shear sheep or do anything with anything that smells bad. And someone is going to need to pay me.
  5. Share my house with a stranger for a year. Who will pay me. And think themselves lucky. Pretty sure I am a joy to live with. Just not in the mornings, parts of the evening and during the day. 11:00am is good for about 20 minutes. On a good day.
  6. No shopping for dresses, shoes or handbags for a year*****
  7. Not breathing for a year. Think this has some flaws. Probably math involved.
  8. Live underwater for a year. To see if I am a Mermaid. Unless someone wants to build me an underwater house. You’ll need a lot of caulk.
  9. Travel for a year. Someone pick this. And pay for this. I’ll be your best friend******.
  10. Drink excessively every day for a year
Thankfully I don’t have to pick exercise every day for a year or eat healthy every day for a year since some other people have that covered.

This is quite hard to think of things, there’s a lot of stuff I think I’m supposed to be doing already that popped into my head. Shower every day for a year, be nice to old people every day for a year, have a stupid positive attitude every day for a year, utilize my time effectively every day for a year etc…

*I may or may not do this. Am very fickle. Also I have to write a book at the end so seems like a lot of effort already…
**I’m going to need some volunteers on this one. Meet me in Vegas
***Logistically speaking, I don’t know how this is going to work. Pretty sure I can’t be pregnant for a year. So do I have someone give me their baby for the year to look after or do I get knocked up and then write after I’ve had the baby out of me for a year. Already this is more complicated than I had anticipated. Is everyone cool with Albert babysitting the baby while I’m at work?
****Any of your bastards pick this and you will not be getting a Xmas card this year.
*****See note on cake. I don’t have a problem. I need that stuff. To survive.
******For those that I am already being their best friends for other favors, sorry, going to have to drop you…

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