Friday, March 14, 2014

Just Your Average Thursday Night

Brushed my cat.  Made him a toupee.
Toupee blends easily with the hair you have.
Comfort level of custom toupee is high - one hardly knows one is wearing it...
Side view - even when one shakes one's head vigorously, it doesn't fall off.  And even when it does, you just pick it up and run around behind the cat until you can hold him down and force him to wear it again*.
Top view.  One is getting on in years and now has a grey toupee
Early stages of the fitting.  The less impressed and what the hell is going on stage...
I know what you're thinking.  Should have made him an eye. An eye out of fur.  You people are ridiculous.  I am however thinking of fashioning it into a patch...

*No cats were hurt in the making and fitting of the custom toupee.  They were however very pissed off and felt undignified.

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