Friday, March 28, 2014

Things That Happened At Work This Week

  1. Walked into a meeting and Ron Weasley was sitting there. Turned to my left and Ron Perlman during his Beauty and The Beast years was there. Neither of them responded to the name, Ron. Nor were they amused. Ron and Ron have no sense of humor.
  2. Sat through a 2 hour road-map discussion on something and made a lot of notes which made me look very smart. And interested. Pretty sure I have just written my first novel.
  3. Ate my lunch.
  4. Got reprimanded by the parking guy. Apparently I was going 17 miles per hour in a 10 mile zone. Showed my displeasure by winding my window up while he was still talking. He won't do that again.
  5. Had my new employee stop by so we could brainstorm on digital strategies. Talked about boys. Think we have it covered.
  6. Wore several excellent outfits - saw no one on those days. However, saw everyone on the day when I was looking a bit skanky. There is no justice in the world.
  7. Wrote a lot of lists. Thinking about starting the tasks next week. Just need to write a list of steps to take to get started.
  8. Had a meeting with 8 people in my office. I wanted to squeeze more in and go for the record but they moved to a conference room and it's hard to set a record all by yourself. These people are no fun.
  9. Knocked out some handstands.  Wasn't easy. Or attractive
  10. Broke the printer.  Shh.

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