Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Why Must They Take Liberties...

I just watched a recent episode of Once Upon A Time. I don't know if you follow it but Emma had forgotten about her previous life and now she's remembered so she and Henry have to go on a trip*. She makes him breakfast, he eats one bite and gets up. She pours orange juice and puts it on the kitchen counter. Then they leave, unlikely to come back. So irresponsible. Who (a) doesn't finish breakfast? Only the most important meal of the day (b) leaves it there to rot without doing the dishes and (c) doesn't put the orange juice back in the fridge. I want a rewrite. "Emma and Henry eat up all their breakfast, wash the dishes, throw out all the food that might rot and take out the trash before leaving on their trip."

Then a similar thing happened again in a book I was reading.  The heroine had planned a special dinner for her hero, they got caught up in the romance of it all, one thing led to another and all of sudden no one is having dinner because they are otherwise engaged on the floor**.  Then the chapter ends.  What the hell was for dinner?!!?  Does anyone else care?  In the book that I am never writing, there are full descriptions of what everyone ate, they always finished their meals and tidied up and there was no having a couple of bites and then losing their appetite.  Everyone has very healthy appetites and manages to eat even in the face of tragedy. 

Revolution.  Anyone else watch that?  Where are they getting their clothes from?  They lost power multiple years ago and you know that with all the hardships they endure, the clothes they had pre-power loss days would not have lasted.  I have seen no sign of anyone spinning away on a spinning wheel or shuttling the shuttley thing through a loom.  And don't get me started on their hair.  Ok, I'll just start a little bit on the hair.  Not once have I seen them wash it, yet it's the best hair ever.  Must remember to stop washing mine and take it into heavy gunfire battles on a regular basis. Apparently it needs to be rinsed in blood. 

*Not a spoiler alert because I am far too lazy to explain this so that it makes sense.
**Am thankful they didn't use the table. Where dinner was waiting. 

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