Thursday, June 26, 2014

MILF's - A Scientific Analysis

If you don't know what a MILF is, I'm not telling you. Use the link or Google it. Anyway, this is a scientific experiment that I'm going to use to prove something that I thought of last night in great detail but have now forgotten. So it's more of a "think it went something like this" theory. According to the internet there are 7 steps when conducting an experiment. Which is about 6 more than I want to do. However, I'm somewhat committed now. Effort Level: Couch.

Purpose/Question - Is the acronym, MILF's, a discriminatory acronym since it appears to exclude anyone that is not the mother of a human child?

Research - Ask some people*.

Hypothesis - If I ask some people what they think and they don't agree with me, I will change the results to fit my purpose/question that will prove that it is a very discriminatory statement and that I am right.

Experiment - Since I am not a MILF, I took a group of people** (sample is the scientific word) from the general population to see if they would be interested in "aheming"*** me despite the fact that I am not a mother. 20 out of 20 said no. Types of people in this sample:
  • Squirrels
  • Homeless guy from down the street
  • Hot guy at the bar that I didn't actually ask because I decided it was a forgone conclusion
  • My pen pal. Note: Must get pen pal
  • Bus driver that I pulled up next to. To be fair, not sure he understood the question and there were a lot of school kids listening
  • Pot plant
Analysis - There are two kinds of people in this world. I don't like either one of them. What I mean is, based on my analysis, you're wrong, you know you're wrong so just stand there in your wrongness and be wrong.  Results were confusing.

Conclusion - Yes.

General Thoughts:
  1. Can we start a campaign to get the word out about MOCILF's****. Must make clear that this refers to human mothers not actual cat mothers. That would be wrong.
  2. I've never seen a more diligent, comprehensive, accurate results-oriented scientific experiment. Great job, me. I am ready for NASA. Or MENSA. Or some other acronym where smart peoples go.
  3. Science is easy.  You don't actually need to leave your couch to prove out your theory.  
*And by people I mean myself and Albert. Who has a very strong point of view about this. For a cat.
**Did not actually do this as would have meant getting up from couch.  Asked Albert same question 20 times.  Then interpreted his lack of response/interest for results for my analysis. Wanted to use scientific notebook but found back of hand was handier.
***I need a word so that I don't have to say that word and have my mouth washed out with soap. You all know what I mean.
****Don't really feel this needs much explanation but there's always someone that doesn't get it. Mothers Of Cats I'd Like to Ahem.

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