Wednesday, December 3, 2014

An Analysis Of Pie

Given the time of year and the fact that it's been a while since I did a scientific experiment, I thought it was time to analyze pie. Initially I thought about measuring the triptophan* levels in different breeds of turkey but that seemed way too easy and anyway the answer is obvious. Turkey makes you sleepy so just eat pie.

So, I have decided to do a pie analysis. I went back and forth on caloric intake of different pies, chemical composition of different pie crusts etc and decided that by far the most complicated test to stretch my brain and provide you with a comprehensive experiment would be if I ate a piece of pie. And charted it. To be fair, I ate more than one piece and more than one type of pie. I like to be thorough. Also was hungry.

In conclusion, the evidence is overwhelming and I derived the following from it:  I don't really like Pecan Pie but I would eat it anyway.
*Possibly spelled incorrectly but am too lazy to look it up.  Science is full of lazy mistakes, look at that whole earth is round thing.  I find that very hard to believe.

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