Monday, December 15, 2014

Monday Thoughts

"That's so interesting"
"Hmm, interesting"
"Really, how interesting"

No one thinks it's interesting when they these things. Secretly they are thinking about cake.

Other things people say that they actually don't mean:
  1. Take care. Take care when and of what? And for how long? Until you see them next? I think this might be a cop out. Because if something happens to them between the time you saw them and said it and the next time you saw them, it's clearly not your fault because you told them to take care and they apparently did not.
  2. Thinking of you. For how long are you thinking of them? Because if you're not thinking of them constantly for ever and ever then you're not doing it right. You have to be more specific. For instance: "Thinking of you between the hours of 10am and 11am for the next two days". Then you're on your own.  Although that seems like quite a long time to just sit and think of someone.  I can't even get through 8 minutes of Shavasana, thinking of nothing.  Also what happens if the thoughts of them that you are thinking aren't very nice?  I think to really cover yourself you should go with "Will be thinking only nice thoughts of you and possibly sending good vibes for 8 minutes starting at 10am tomorrow".  Disclaimer: These are thoughts and vibes only, there are no promises that anything will come out of this.
  3. Praying for you. I don't use this one since I don't do any praying. Except when I really need something and quite frankly that has not panned out since I didn't win Powerball. Again. Possibly my prayers were not directed in the right way or to the right person.  Because someone at the Lottery Commission is not getting them.

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