Monday, November 4, 2013

A Study Of Carrots*

Yes, this is how I spent my Sunday afternoon.  Why?

When good carrots go bad...and grow horns.

Carrot porn

Dirty carrot
Easter Island Carrot
Carrot in a bikini**
Hawaiian Carrot - Aloha!
Incognito Carrot - pretending to be a snake
Native American carrot
Carrot on a zebra - "We ride at dawn!"
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Carrot
Punk Rocker carrot
Here comes the bride...carrot
Positive carrot
Xmas Tree carrot

*No carrots were abused or harmed in the writing of this post.  They were however, eaten.  Some of them had glue on them.  They should not have been eaten.
**Awkward moment where I have just realized a carrot looks better in a bikini than me.

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