Friday, July 25, 2014

Have You Ever Been On A Date...

  1. Your prospective date asks you out and then requests to be picked up at the train station* because he doesn't own a car but informs you that he is doing you the courtesy of coming to you and;
  2. Asks you to pick a restaurant within his budget limits** and finally;
  3. Asks you to find a Sports Bar*** to go to so he can watch the game before we go to dinner?
No, me either. Have you heard the story about a straw that broke a camel's back?

*I could live with this one and pretended he didn't own a car because he was environmentally conscious instead of the truth that he was going from Real Estate to Massage Therapy (without any training) and therefore had no job and sold his...
**I have no issue with a budget but if you ask me out, shouldn't you put some effort into finding the place?

This wasn't a recent event, just remembered it when he tried to solicit business from me recently through Twitter.  He's now doing alternative energy sources...guess that massage therapy "because I have good hands" didn't really pan out.

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