Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I feel bad...

...for not writing anything and disappointing my fan. Maybe I'll just knock something out now*.

Have you ever been kayaking in the LA River? I have. So that's ten points for me and none for you. It's a pretty different experience** than any other kayaking I've done - you're basically going down a canal that's concreted and fenced on either side. This was done around 1938*** after catastrophic flooding made it necessary and now it's basically a flood control channel. That may or may not be right - I was mostly listening to the guide but as we know I'm easily distra...

Anyway, there is a whole eco system that developed and it's a pretty cool experience with a couple of rapids, 7 different types of fish (mostly carp, although as is normal when I approach, all wildlife immediately vacated the area) and some plants on the side that made a point of grabbing me every time.

So, if you come back tomorrow, fan, I'll share some pictures of some blurry things and water. It sounds so interesting and appealing. I can hardly wait.


**Well there was that one time at camp when we had to learn how to roll back up if we got trapped upside down. Technically I believe it's called an Eskimo Roll. I may have mentioned this before but this was not one of those things that I nailed. I know, I can hardly believe it either. Anyway, in a nutshell, I ended up with hypothermia and had to be driven home, vomiting and delirious. Just between me and my fan - I remember thinking I had to go to the bathroom and then thinking I was there and peeing in my sleeping bag. Pretty sure that thing just got rolled up and put back in the cupboard. I don't use that one.
***That's History, right there.  You're welcome.

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