Friday, January 17, 2014

Hiking..with children

My friend has recently started hiking with her almost 3 year old. Which is going really well except for the part where he doesn't hike. More carrying, less hiking. He also isn't very good about holding on so on top of the toll it's taking on her back, her arms are also sore from making sure he doesn't fall off. I don't want to cast aspersions, but I don't think this kid is ever going to be as good as me at riding a mechanical bull. You have to grip with your thighs.

For an almost three year old, he's a pretty tall kid - about three Alberts stacked on top of each other high. Not sure compared to Albert when he's rearing up (I think that's horses but I don't know the cat word) because we've had some tape measuring difficulties. He also weighs a little under 4 Alberts* so she's getting a pretty good work-out in.

Anyway, I've been trying to help solve the problem of the arm and back ache - just so you know, leaving him in the car was not even considered by her**. I offered bungy cords, which weren't even given a test run, an old back pack with leg and arm holes cut out*** and a suggestion to try balancing him on top of her head - an old Ghanian practice, except with baskets not children.

Last resort - she's going to try the African wrap way of carrying your child. Apparently, you can carry your child until he's 18 and ready to leave the home****. Since I am a very helpful friend, I demonstrated this for her with Albert. I think this is going to work really well.

I didn't have an African wrap so I used a fluffy scarf that my Mum knitted.  It also looked nice with Albert's coloring.
Here you see him admiring it.
Here you see him resigned to his fate.  I have a very tolerant cat.  As regards results, turns out a stretchy scarf is not the thing.  I took one step and Albert unfurled.  Luckily he is a cat and landed on his feet. Unluckily for me, I tried to catch him and he reached for me.  With his claws.  I was able to staunch the bleeding with my African wrap fluffy scarf child holder.
*In case you're wondering, Albert has kept his figure over the years and consistently weighs a trim 11lbs.
**FYI Social Services people
***In case you're trying to steal this idea, it apparently has already been invented.
****Also, I might have made this up.

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