Thursday, January 16, 2014


This post is in honor of the lovely Tales....
Albert says...awkward.  I'll just pretend she's not there taking my picture...

Albert is deeply hurt by your callous comments. He has assumed the fetal position

Albert says...can I have a little privacy please?  I'm on my stoop.  Also, I hope your head gets stuck in the cat flap door*.  That will teach you to try and take stealthy photos.  I see you. 
Albert says...I only sleep in here when she's not looking.
Albert says...I fit here. Real good.  Also.  I made all the dirty footprints below and I'm never cleaning them up
Albert thanks, just looking.
Albert says...why, yes that is my fur all over the protective sheet and if you look underneath the protective sheet, you'll find I put some there as well.
Albert wants you to have a safe flight.  And hopes you get a window seat.
Albert says...I didn't do it.  I know I look guilty but that's just cos I only have one eye.  Do you remember when I had two eyes?  Now, who looks guilty?
Albert says...these are my feets!
Albert says...look at me, I'm reclining.  Take my picture!
Albert says...this arm belongs to me.  You can tell because I have clamped it to me with my claws.  In a loving gesture.
Albert wants to wish you a happy new year.
Albert says...this is not me, this is Gus.  Gus is deeply embarrassed at being caught in a compromising position.  They're not dating, it's just casual.
Albert have my undivided attention.  I am focused, my chakra's are aligned and I am only a little bit asleep
Gus says...I am playing with Lego. 
Gus says...can you see my problem area?
*FYI - head did get stuck in cat flap.  On reflection, the better option would have been to extend arm out through flap.  Head was pushing it....

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