Monday, January 13, 2014

What Happened Yesterday

Very little. There was an accident that resulted in my not getting out of bed until 5pm. It was fantastic. You know why I can do that? Because I have no responsibilities - no kids, no partner, no chores* demanding my attention. For a short period of time there was a cat howling outside the door demanding attention but I just turned over. I knew he'd be there when I got up. Sure enough, open the door, he fell right in. There's a lesson right there. Don't sleep hard up against a door - at some point it will be opened and you will look stupid.

After getting up, I made myself some breakfast. At 5pm. Because I can. Did a couple of handstands. I'm on a mission but that's another post. Then made my way to the couch where it was time to kick back and relax a little. Turned on the Golden Globes, criticized all the dresses, did my own version of the cut-off music by clapping when I'd had enough of the speeches.

Thought about showering but am in the process of saving the planet're welcome.  Cut to the end of the day, which comes around all too quickly when you get up at 5pm, and I realize not being productive, wallowing in your own filth and just not caring about what people think, leads to a most excellent day.  Let's do this again.  Tomorrow.  At work.

*Well I had chores but I resolved to sleep in my own filth for one more day, not vacuum for one more day, just eat whatever was in the fridge that was passable and wear all the clothes that I'd already gotten out and put on the floor.  For easy access.

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